Access Management (AM) is concerned with authenticating users and  determining whether they have permission to access requested resources. Core to any Access Management Platform is the design and implementation  of access control policies. Nulli has provided a Youtube presentation series to discuss how graph databases can be used to help the design and implementation of complex access control policies.

…storing users authentication history in a Neo4j™* graph database allows us to implement enhanced client-based access control

The presentation is provided in two parts. Part 1 discusses graph databases and their advantages to the Access Management world and Part 2 illustrates an interesting application scenario where storing users  authentication history in a Neo4j™* graph database allows us to  implement enhanced client-based access control via ForgeRock™ OpenAM**.

“Leveraging Graph in Access Management” – part 1 of the presentation series

“Leveraging Graph in Access Management” – part 2 of the presentation series

* Neo4j is a registered trademark of Neo Technology, Inc.

** ForgeRock is a registered trademark of ForgeRock, Inc.